Thursday, March 28, 2013

Fiber Art - Thread Scarves by Andi Shannon

A beautiful and unique new scarf style has found its way to MaJe Gallery recently.  Andi Shannon takes threads, ribbon, floss, yarn, and other nifty things and sews them into the most lovely scarves we've seen in a long time!  Check out this example:

Andi Shannon Thread Scarf in purples and plums. 60" long x 10" wide.

Andi Shannon Thread Scarf in multiple colors. 62" long x 10" wide  SOLD!
To create her unique pieces of art, Shannon lays threads, floss, yarn, ribbon, and other paraphernalia on a dissolvable film.  Another piece of the film gets laid on top.  Then she meticulously stiches it all together with her sewing machine until every piece is locked in place.  Then, she dissolves off the outer layers, and voila!  We get to see these amazing scarves!  Here's an example of her machine sewing a scarf with the dissolvable film still on.

Andi Shannon's sewing machine sewing things together between dissolvable films.
Shannon has an excellent goal for her art: "My goal is to create art that delights the eye, inspires the mind, and encourages the soul."  We think she's done it!

Andi Shannon Thread Scarf in black.  60" long x 9" wide
Some of Shannon's thread scarves have a lace-like quality to them.  Take the black one above for example.  Very lacy and oh so very pretty!

Andi Shannon Thread Scarf in moss, olive and lime green. 59" long x 10" wide
But this one is a bit more dense, yet still retaining an airy quality to it.

Andi Shannon Thread Scarf in red and burgundy.  64" long x 8" wide
This red and burgundy one is sort of in-between.  The color choices Shannon makes are all so very pleasing to the eye as well.  And there's not really a color combo she couldn't tackle.

Andi Shannon Thread Scarf in turquoise, sage and teal.  57" x 9".
This one incorporates wider strips of ribbon, for yet another intriguing look.

We invite you to stop by and visit these mesmerizing scarves to see for yourself.  They are even better in person!  Spruce up your spring wardrobe with an art scarf!

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Or stop by our gallery, and see everything in person!  We'd love to meet you and show you around.

Manya and Jeff (AKA MaJe!)


  1. Thanks so much for the kind words! I hope your clients enjoy them.

  2. I love wearing a thread scarf from Andi. Goes with everything and I always get so many compliments every time I wear it. She's very gifted!

    1. Hi Sharyn, What a great review! Thanks for sharing your experience with us. We're not surprised your scarf gets so much attention. After all, it really is unusual, isn't it?
